
[video avail.] Emanuel Pastreich, PhD - US Presidential Candidate - on 9/11 Truth

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

Plank: Launch International Scientific Investigation into 9/11.

  • What is the “Fear No Evil” campaign of Emanuel Pastreich?  
  • Why does he claim that THIS is the TIME to push the ugly truth about 9/11 from the margins into the mainstream of American politics?  
  • Who exactly was behind the 9/11 attacks?
  • How did they lead independent investigators in the wrong direction?

There are indeed some fearless leaders out there. And this one is running for President - the only candidate who made 9/11 truth a plank on his platform. He already has my respect. But wait until you see how the mind of Emanuel Pastreich works:

He is President of the Asia Institute - a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi - and he speaks all those languages fluently! He’s also a Senior Fellow at the Global Peace Foundation. He has a PhD, from Harvard University in East Asian Languages and Civilizations and he’s been a university professor for two decades.

Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an Independent in February 2020, giving numerous speeches calling for a transformational approach to security and economics. He’s the author of “I shall fear no evil”.

Originally a scholar of Asian studies, Pastreich writes on both East Asian classical literature and current issues in international relations and technology. He is also a columnist for The Korea Times and JoongAng Daily - and where you can find his articles - such as:

9/11 Truth: The Key to Ending COVID-19 - Buried in the 9/11 Narrative and the WTC Wreckage

  • Only when we Americans are ready to go back to the original sin of 9/11 and look at ourselves in the mirror, only when we are ready to take brave action and cut off the gangrene parts of the Federal government that have metastasized into an enemy within, only then can we make any progress in fighting against the techno-tyrants who call the shots for the narcissistic and indulgent politicians who appear on television.
  • Why have we been unable to launch an international investigation into the official narrative of the destruction on 9/11?
  • What is the nature of the deep psychological and spiritual shock of 9/11? And how does it relate to the lack of public response to the truth about 9/11?
  • What can we do right now to make average Americans look at themselves in the mirror and come to grips with 9/11?
  • How can we restore the moral bravery necessary to take on the truth about 9/11 today?
  • What are small actions that we can take to push the 9/11 discussion back into the mainstream?
  • How is government and corporate power used to clamp down on the discussion of 9/11?
  • How is 9/11 related to COVID?

However dark the answer to that last question is, Emanuel notes that, “COVID-19 will be replaced by artificial food shortages, planned inflation, the end of money, the promotion of mass surveillance, social credit totalitarian economics, and a host of other strategies for control.”

We are fortunate to have a deep thinker like Pastreich as our guest today and we hope he lights a way forward through the dark path that the Deep State has paved with 9/11.

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