
9/11 Patsies: 20 Years of Terror in GTMO - Linda Forsythe, Citizen Journalist,

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

If the $6.5T Global War on Terror was a construct based on the False Flag Operations constituting “the attacks of 9/11”, then what responsibility did Fundamentalist Muslims have for these events? And who is imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay?

  • What is revealed by 20 years of stalled military commissions?
  • And what is the fate of the inmates?
  • What should we, in the 9/11 Truth Movement know about “KSM”?What would any of this have to do with Building 7?!

My guest is Linda Forsythe, the Founder of “C-VINE, Voices | Investigations | News | Education. C-VINE is a grassroots organization placed inside a Charitable Trust, created for We the People.

  • How is it that this particular “citizen journalist” was able to cover the 9/11 proceedings in GTMO, with the Military Commissions approval, without being an official MSM organization? 
  • What shocking information was revealed from "a little old man" in attendance at the GTMO proceedings on January 2019?  
  • It has been well over 20 years since the 9/11 attacks. Why are the proceedings still in the pretrial phase? Why no “tribunal” as promised?

Khalid Shaikh Mohammad (left) sits at the front defense table, with one of his four co-defendants, Walid bin Attash, at the second table. Sketch by William J. Hennessy Jr. /

  • What is critical to know about attorney Jim Kreindler and GITMO, and what happened with attorney general Bill Barr on September 12, 2019?
  • What happened of critical importance in the “KSM et al” proceedings in January 2020?  
  • What revelatory document in March 2020, was provided in “government response” to the KSM Defense Team about forensic analysis of the 9/11 building rubble?  
  • And what happened in March 2022 that has suddenly caused the KSM et al Pre-trials, to now be under “Plea Deal negotiations”?
  • Why are GTMO courtrooms under construction, when all “KSM et al” are entering into “Plea Deals” in Closed/Classified proceedings? And when the DOD announced they are closing down GTMO?

Individuals from various walks of life donate their time and talents as the community at C-VINE to help re-build America, conduct investigations on existing news stories, and provide forensic analysis.

All are credentialed individuals in their field. All embrace the U.S. Constitution. All are searching for truth and utilizing their First Amendment rights to report verified findings.

One of C-VINE's area of specialty is the study of the events of 9/11. They also work closely with the Office of Military Commissions in an unofficial capacity as Citizen Journalists monitoring the “KSM et al” 9/11 proceedings (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) – reporting what is not heard in the Main Stream Media, backed by trial court transcripts and forensic analysis.

C-VINE Website:

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