
Elsa Schieder, PhD - What Makes a Truth Teller Tell?

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

Truth Summit - 20 Truth Tellers - 20 Truths: June 12 to 23, 2023

Truth-tellers are her passion. The Truth Summit is her venue.

The question: who are these amazing people? Those who are hell bent to expose the official narrative: about the injections, about Communist infiltration, about the crimes of the educators, about the ionized sky, about 9/11, about MK Ultra, about the economic system, about the global predators.

Our guest on RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! is Elsa Schieder, PhD, Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Theory. She interviews Truth Warriors. How did they get to become the people they are? Perceiving what so many deny — speaking out when so many stay silent — facing denigration — carrying on and on and on. Even as a child she loved reading about people who dared. But now it’s a mission talking to real life heroes and sharing their very personal stories.

And yes, these people are to her, some of the biggest heroes of our time — though almost certainly they would deny that they are heroes.

Use whatever term you like. The reality — instead of going along, they explored the evidence and spoke out about the evidence, often faced vilification and denunciation.

They cared enough, were driven enough, dared enough, to put in huge amounts of time and effort to bring out truth, in this world of toxic narratives.

Who are these people? Were they special in some way from childhood on, that they would care so passionately about their various truths?

There are characteristics that many of them share. But rather than being special from childhood on, what stands out to her is that they chose to go with something that called to them, rather than going along with the mainstream.

She was moved by the story of my own “awakening” — in which I was hit with information about 9/11 that turned my understanding of the world upside down. I had to face the deeper meaning in what I had learned about 9/11.

Yes, the truths matter. But why?

She says, its because these people care about people - care to warn, care to inform, care to protect, to enlighten. In other words, what would it matter, how the World Trade buildings collapsed — except that we the people, were lied to, deceived, betrayed — except that we the people, are in horrific danger - and because the truth tellers care, they are warning and informing us, as much as they can [against our own cognitive dissonance.] My sense is that they fuel the hero within each of us.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR — JUNE 20-23: Interviews with 20 truth tellers at the TRUTH SUMMIT.

Who are some of these amazing people? We live in a world where nothing we hear can be trusted.

So who are these truth tellers interviewed for the Truth Summit? One thing: they each care about very different truths. From Communist infiltration, to the contamination of the blood of the unvaxxed as well as the vaxxed. From the deliberate crimes of the educators, to political ponerology (the study of the forces of evil in politics).

Welcome to the Truth Summit.

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